Below find some funny, sad and crazy clips of season one MOR
Is there any medication that can help me last longer? - Very close game, 749 - 750 Caps
Admin is not responsible for streamer breaking down. - No one likes redrops.
oof - Bang bang
EU Brawls - Around and around we go.
2 Annies, One Com - David v Goliath Battle
Part 2 - Free Stuff
Pimp my ride - In my Saruman Voice "fabulous""
My Cap - How to kill a mech fast.
Ok then.... - When your pizza is ready mid game.
Our casters know the rules - Oppps
Part 2 - O wait
Tiy0sVTolson - Worst hero mech ????
Ghost Strike - Waiting for Mr stats man, to confirm he is the best dead player in MWO.
PGI PLZ - How to blow up in 7 seconds.
Poor Lurm - When your team drop bears out of the game and you're left there like ......
Who hurt you, little brother - When a 3 v 1 light battle is not going your way, so your SSRM mate comes and joins in the fun.
Admin work was so much easier before the MScrabs - Too many Crabs
KIWI Pride - #KFC the only real NZ team.
Someone has a crush - When no one wants to fight
Strike was planned...honestly